Trouble Sleeping? How Silk Can Help

Sleeping Silk

by Daniel Foster on Flickr

Do you find getting to sleep each night a struggle? You are not alone, according to The New York Times, 70 million Americans sleep poorly or not long enough to experience the full set of physical, emotional and cognitive benefits of sleep. Aside from waking up feeling fatigued, not getting enough sleeping can have long-term effects on your health including heart problems, weight gain and depression.

Alongside clothes, one of the main uses of silk is bed linens. Smooth and soft against the skin, it makes for a luxurious bedtime. Silk sheets and duvets have the added benefit of effectively allowing heat to pass through it, avoiding overheating which can keep you up at night. Down and polyester alternatives trap heat underneath them, at first an effective method of insulation but causing sleeper to overheat as the night progresses. This can also lead to excessive nighttime perspiration, leaving silk as a cooler and more hygienic choice.

Silk bedding supplier Silksleep have created a list of reasons that wearing a silk eye mask would be beneficial to those who suffer from insomnia. According to Silksleep, wearing a silk eye mask can be revitalising to the skin as well as aiding in blocking out distractions.

Establishing a sleep routine for yourself is an important part of successfully falling asleep each evening. One tip to achieving this is to make your bedroom a haven that you look forward to returning to each night, rather than a messy, disorganised room with too much technology and reminders of everyday stresses. Silk makes bedtime special, a treat to yourself at the end of each day and also a signal to your body that it is time to relax.